Getting Started

Mint is a hosted CI service. To use it, you'll need to create an RWX Cloud account.

With Mint, you can run tasks without having to push to a git repository. The easiest way to get started is by using the CLI to initiate runs locally.

Installing the CLI


Install via homebrew:

brew install rwx-research/tap/mint

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Install via homebrew:

brew install rwx-research/tap/mint


Download the latest release on GitHub for your platform and architecture. Move the binary into a directory on your PATH and make it executable.

Login to use the CLI

You'll need to log in to use the CLI. Run mint login and it will facilitate the authentication process.

Personal access tokens are associated to specific organizations, so you'll also need to create an organization or be a member of one.

To confirm that your CLI is authenticated, run mint whoami

Hello World

Define the following hello world task in a tasks.yml file.

  - key: hello-world
    run: echo hello world


Use the mint CLI to run your hello world task.

mint run --file tasks.yml

The CLI will print a URL where you can view the run results.

Run is watchable at

If you want to automatically open your browser when starting a run, use the --open option.

mint run --file tasks.yml --open

Next Steps


To use Mint with private GitHub repositories, you'll need to install the Mint GitHub App. See the Getting Started with GitHub guide.

Without GitHub

The GitHub App installation provides two key things:

  • a GitHub access token to clone repositories
  • status checks on commits or PRs

However, you can start using Mint without installing the GitHub app. Instead, you can:

  • clone public repositories
  • clone private repositories from any git provider using ssh keys

If you're waiting on a GitHub App installation or want to experiment without it, head over to the CI Reference Workflow Guide.