Call (Leaves)

Mint leaves are external task definitions that are similar to GitHub's Actions.

To use a leaf, add call instead of run to your task definition.

View all available leaves at


  - key: greeting
    call: mint/greeting 1.0.3
      name: world

The logs for this task will contain:

hello world!

Semantic Versioning

When calling a leaf, you must specify a version number.

You can only specify an exact version, you cannot specify a range or use any sort of semver notation.

Mint enforces semver. Leaves cannot add a required parameter or remove an available parameter without updating the major version number.

Bumping Leaf Versions

You can use the Mint CLI to update leaves to the latest version. Run:

mint leaves update

The CLI will print the list of leaves that it updated:

Updated the following leaves:
        mint/git-clone 1.1.7 -> mint/git-clone 1.1.9
        mint/install-node 1.0.5 -> mint/install-node 1.0.6

By default, the CLI will only apply minor version updates.

To check for major version updates, run:

mint leaves update --allow-major-version-change

The CLI looks for any files matching .mint/*.yml or .mint/*.yaml. You can also specify a file if you only want to update a single file. See mint leaves update --help for all configuration options.


Currently, only RWX can develop leaves. Support for third-party leaves will be enabled in the future.

Available Leaves

See all available leaves at