abq report

Outputs all test results for a distributed ABQ report suite run.

abq report may be only be invoked after all workers for a given test suite run have completed. If there are outstanding workers for a given test suite run, abq report will error out without reporting results.

If a worker for a given test suite run is retried at the same time that abq report is invoked, abq report may report test results, but may not include all results from the retried worker. After the retried worker finishes, abq report will again include the most up-to-date test results for the test suite run.


abq report [OPTIONS]


--access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>

The RWX access token to use when fetching queue configuration information from a managed RWX queue.

You can also specify the access token by setting the RWX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.

Example: abq report --run-id my-test-1 --access-token rwx_org_eyJhbGci

--color <VAL>

Whether to use color when writing to stdout.

The following values are available:

  • auto: Colors will be used if possible. Some of the heuristics used are: whether the output channel is detected as a TTY; whether (on Windows) the console is available; whether the NO_COLOR environment variable is set; whether the TERM environment variable is set to dumb.
  • never: Colors will not be used.

The default value is auto.

Example: abq report --color never

--queue-addr <QUEUE_ADDR>

The address of the queue to connect to.

Example: abq report --run-id my-test-1 --queue-addr

--reporter <REPORTER>

A reporter to use for outputting results from the tests. The following reporters are currently available:

  • dot: Print a dot for each successful test and a letter for non-successful test (e.g. F for failed tests).
  • line: Print a line with the test name and status for each test.
Module#method does something: ok
Module#method does something else: FAILED
  • junit-xml[=path/to/results.xml]: Output a JUnit-compatible XML file to the specified path. If the path is not specified, the file will be written to ./abq-test-results.xml.
  • rwx-v1-json[=path/to/results.json]: Output a RWX-V1-compatible JSON file to the specified path. If the path is not specified, the file will be written to ./abq-test-results.json.

The default value is dot.

To use multiple reporters, specify --reporter multiple times.

Example: abq report --reporter dot --reporter rwx-v1-json=/tmp/results.json

--run-id <RUN_ID>

The distributed run ID for the test to report on.

In CI environments, abq report will attempt to infer the run ID from CI environment variables. See the CI platforms documentation.

You can also specify the run ID by setting the ABQ_RUN_ID environment variable.

Example: abq report --run-id my-test-1

--tls-cert <TLS_CERT>

The path to the TLS certificate to use when exchanging messages with the queue.

Example: abq report --run-id my-test-1 --queue-addr --tls-cert ./cert.pem

--timeout-seconds <TIMEOUT_SECONDS>

The number of seconds to wait for test results to be available. If test results are not available after the specified number of seconds, abq report will exit with an error.

If there are active workers, abq report will exit immediately with an error. However, if all workers are complete, test results may still be pending before delivery to abq report.

The default value is 300.

Example: abq report --timeout-seconds 180

--token <TOKEN>

The token to use for authorizing messages sent to the queue. This is typically the user token that is used when running abq start.

Example: abq report --run-id my-test-1 --queue-addr --token abqs_OSRMcU9W6YJkLyVDkzhJ4HCkrWHzEq


Print detailed help information about the abq report command.

Example: abq report --help


Print summarized help information about the abq report command.

Example: abq report -h